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发布时间:2020-09-11 06:46:48




Fracture is a description of the way a mineral tends to break. It is different from cleavage and parting which are generally clean flat breaks along specific directions. Fracture occurs in all minerals even ones with cleavage, although a lot of cleavage directions can diminish the appearance of fracture surfaces. Different minerals will break in different ways and leave a surface that can be described in a recognizable way. Is the broken area smooth? Irregular? Jagged? Splintery? These are some of the ways of describing fracture.

Although many minerals break in similar ways, some have a unique fracture and this can be diagnostic.

The most common fracture type is conchoidal. This is a smoothly curved fracture that is familiar to people who have examined broken glass. Sometimes described as a clam-shell fracture. Quartz has this fracture type and almost all specimens that have been broken, demonstrate this fracture type very well.

Another common type is subconchoidal. Similar to conchoidal, just not as curved, but still smooth. Andalusite can show this type.

Uneven is a type that is basically self explanatory. It is a common type that is found in anhydrite.

Unlike uneven, jagged has sharp points or edges that catch on a finger that's rubbed across the surface. Usually this indicates a metal such as copper , a metal alloy or some sulfides or oxides.

Splintery is a fracture type that occurs in fibrous or finely acicular minerals and in minerals that have a relatively stronger structure in one direction than the other two. Chrysotile serpentine is a typical mineral with splintery fracture and kyanite is an example of a non-fibrous mineral that has this fracture.

Earthy is a fracture that proces a texture similar to broken children's clay. It is found in minerals that are generally massive and loosely consolidated such as limonite.

Fracture First Aid: Tips and Technique
Fractures often occur as a result of a fall or a collision. The bones of the arms and legs are particularly vulnerable to breakage, but any bone in the body can be fractured. The type of first aid administered depends upon the kind of fracture and its location in the body. All first aid proceres for fractures include the following steps:

1) If there is bleeding at the fracture site, treat the bleeding before treating the fracture.
2) If excessive blood loss has led to shock, lay the victim down and treat for shock.
3) Do not attempt to straighten an injured limb if it is deformed.
4) Move the uninjured limb as little as possible.
5) If the victim has an open fracture, with a wound on the skin surface, do not bandage tightly over the injury site. Apply a clean dressing gently over any wound.
6) Contact medical personnel as soon as possible.

A dislocation, which is a displacement of the bone at a joint, has many of the same symptoms as a fracture. These symptoms include possible deformity of the limb, pain and numbness immediately surrounding the injured area. If there is uncertainty as to whether the injury is a fracture or a dislocation, always treat for a fracture. See Bleeding: First Aid; First Aid Procere: Shock Treatment.

Arm or Elbow Fracture:

When the lower end of the forearm is fractured, there is often little or no deformity. It is a fairly common fracture and is often mistaken for a sprained wrist. If the fracture is closed, an ice bag and limb elevation may be used to prevent further swelling. Do not let ice come into direct contact with the skin. Use ice for only 10 minutes at a time to avoid tissue damage. In the case of a severe break, do not give the victim food or drink, in case a general anesthetic is needed later.

Hand or Finger Fracture:

Bleeding into tissues that will cause swelling may complicate fractures of the hand and finger. Remove jewelry, especially rings, only if the removal does not aggravate the injury. If the fracture is closed, an ice bag and limb elevation may be used to prevent the swelling. Do not let ice come into direct contact with the skin. Use ice for only 10 minutes at a time to avoid tissue damage.

Hip, Thigh, or Knee Fracture:

Fractures of the hip may be complicated by injury to the organs of the pelvis. Do not move the victim, because there may also be spinal injuries. Do not try to straighten the fractured bone or raise the victim's legs. Do not give the victim food or drink, in case a general anesthetic is needed later. Keep the victim lying down and observe the pulse and breathing. If breathing stops, give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Get medical aid as soon as possible. See Artificial Respiration.

Foot, Ankle, or Toe Fracture:

Fractures of the foot, ankle, and toe are common injuries, often caused by a fall. They are also usually relatively minor, so before treating them, make a check for and treat any more serious injuries. It is often impossible to distinguish between fractures, dislocations, and bad sprains, the obvious sign in all three being pain and swelling. If in doubt, always treat the injury as a fracture. Do not allow the victim to attempt standing on an injured limb. Lay the victim down and get medical assistance. If it is necessary to transport the victim, a stretcher should be used. See Transporting an Injured Person.

Shoulder or Collarbone Fracture:

A fracture of the collarbone is usually caused by a fall on an outstretched hand or a fall on the point of a shoulder. The injury is relatively easy to recognize. The arm on the injured side is partially limp, and a swelling or deformity can be felt or seen over the fracture site. Do not give the victim food or drink as a general anesthetic may be needed later. Incline the victim's head toward the injured side to relieve pain. Move the arm on the fractured side as little as possible.

Spine or Rib Fracture:

A fractured spine is an extremely serious injury. If the victim is incorrectly handled, the spinal cord may be permanently damaged, resulting in paralysis. Symptoms of a fractured spine include severe pain in the back, loss of limb sensation, and loss of limb control. Do not move the victim. Rib fractures can also be very serious. If the ribs have punctured the lungs, the victim will have pain and difficulty breathing and may cough up blood or be in shock. If the ribs have penetrated the skin surface, there may be an open, "sucking" wound. Treat bleeding only if it is severe enough to endanger life. Treat any "sucking" chest wounds immediately with an airtight dressing. If the victim stops breathing, give artificial resuscitation. Get medical aid as soon as possible.

3、英语作文同学jack遭遇车祸腿骨骨折在家修养 提示1.预料他担心...2.鼓励他勇敢面对挫折



I broke my leg./My leg is broken.
骨折fracture; catagma; fractura; ossium
My leg hurts and I cannot stand. I think my leg is broken.

5、英文翻译 骨折


1. Leave the wound alone though there are something dirty in it, don't rinse it with water, don't put medicine on it, don't try to reposit it if the broken bone is out of the wound.

2. The correct way is to cover bacteria-killing gauze on the wound and tie up properly and then fix the broken bone position.

3. After that raise the wounded limbs in order to minimize tumefaction.

4. Then if the wounded feel paralytic or his or her pulse doesn't flop, bondage should be loosened.




Hello ,everybody I am the present of student association Li Hua,

on the next Saturday we will hold a speech whose theme is how to live well. The speaker

was Professor Wang, whose legs were fractured to disability e to an accident 10 year ago , but he worked hard,and live just like an healthy man. We need some volunteers to help Professor Wang go upstairs because our hall is on the seven flood . During the speech we should respect professor Wang, listen carefully, and learn from his independent spirit and a positive and optimistic attitude

8、英文翻译 骨折的文章


1, wounds in filth Let it not be, and it can not wash with water and can not use the drug. If catagmatic exposed in the wound, do not try to reset.

2, the correct way is to cover the wound sterile gauze, and then dressing appropriately, the Department of fracture fixation.

3, should be fixed up after the limb, so as to rece the swelling phenomenon.

4, after the completion of the dressing, such as the feeling of paralysis victims, or the pulse disappeared immediately release with boron.


What are the ten standard, the health of human body? 1, be full of go; 2, optimistic; 3, sleep is good; 4, a strong ability to adapt; 5, against common diseases; 6, to maintain the standard weight; 7, bright eyes, teeth; 8 complete; 9, shiny hair; 10, muscles, skin elasticity. Two, eight species of harmful behavior of health is what? 1, smoking, excessive drinking; 2; 3, inappropriate medication (not including the medical compliance); 4, the lack of regular exercise, or sudden movement is too large; 5, excessive heat or salt diet, eating no control; 6, do not accept the scientific and rational medical care; 7, to social pressure to proce undesirable reaction; 8, destroy the body's biological rhythms of life. Three, how to pay attention to physical exercise and health? It differs from man to man. 1, the reasonable arrangement of sports and exercise; 2, persevere unremittingly, to do preparatory activities; 3, before exercise, after exercise should not be drinking a lot of water; 4, after a meal should not be strenuous exercise. What are the four, self health care method? 1, strengthen physical exercise; 2, to maintain a reasonable nutrition; 3, adequate sleep and rest; 4, control the bad mood; 5, prevention of mental stimulation; 6, healthy psychological training; 7, formed the good life and health habits; 8, timely early treatment of disease. Five, how to prevent cancer? 1, avoid excessive eating or constipation; 2, don't eat the same food; 3, do not smoke, do not drink; 4, eat more vegetables, avoid excessive sun exposure; 5, control or eat vegetables, do not eat too hot food; 6, rece the fried, smoked food, do not eat moldy food; 7, living law, adequate sleep; 8, emotional stability, optimism. Six, how to prevent hypertension? 1, do not smoke, drink less; 2, the control diet, obesity prevention; 3, low salt diet, eat more vegetables; 4, moderate exercise, adequate sleep; 5, maintain emotional stability, optimism. Seven, how to prevent a cold? 1, physical exercise, enhanced physique; 2, regular window ventilation; 3, with the change in climate change clothes; 4, not to visit patients; 5, cold is popular not go to public places. Eight, drink what harm? 1, alcohol poisoning; 2, inced gastritis, hepatitis, hypertension, heart disease; 3, a waste of money; 4, accident prone. Nine, drinking a moderate amount of alcohol on the body what are the benefits? 1, stomachic, carminative, stomachic; 2, eliminate fatigue; 3, help sleep. Ten, what is the rational nutrition? The dietary nutrients in sufficient quantity, variety, appropriate proportion, and keep the balance and the needs of the body. What is the eleven, reasonable nutrition principles? 1, food diversification; 2, pay attention to three meals collocation; 3, food, meat and balance; 4, the science of cooking. Twelve, what are the eight principles of cooking? 1, the main non-staple food color; 2, little eats meat, more vegetarian; 3, throw less leaves; 4, understand the vegetable life; 5, grasp the cooking temperature; 6, cover the lid; 7, vegetables do not cut too broken; 8, choice of health food. What is the thirteen, good eating habits? 1, washing hands before meals and after meals; 2, timing quantitative; 3, do not eat food spoilage; 4, not overeating; 5, do not drink. Fourteen, psychological health in what aspects? 1, normal mental development; 2, have know one's limitations; 3, have good interpersonal relationship; 4, keep stable, good mood optimistic. Fifteen, how to maintain emotional stability, happy? 1, enjoy life, love life; 2, a meaning to life; 3, be the master of your own destiny; 4, the changes as a learning opportunity; 5, failing to panic; 6, full of self-esteem and sense of responsibility. Sixteen, how to deal with all kinds of interpersonal relationships? 1, not square accounts in every detail, demanding to people; 2, others make no exception, be neither humble nor pushy, sincere enthusiasm; 3, don't fiddle with the non -; 4, improve the psychological adaptability. Seventeen, eat too many sweets have what harm
一、 人体健康的十条标准是什么?


















健康的4大要素 合理的睡眠 适当的运动 充足的睡眠 均衡的营养(营养的最高境界是均衡)
