喉咙痛经常是感冒或流行性感冒的早期征兆。但它也可能是单纯由其他病毒或细菌感染所引起的。有时候,喉咙痛也可能只是由于气候干燥或大声嘶吼所致 不论是什么原因造成的,请听医师怎么说。 服用口含片 假使喉咙痛是由病毒感染引起的,则抗生素无用武之地。但含酚的口含片或许有些疗效。酚可以杀死表层的病菌,因此有助于控制入侵者,直到体内的抵抗力形成。同时,酚的轻微麻醉作用,可麻痹神经末梢,使喉咙不觉得痒痛。口含片的剂量不一,购买及使用时,应参照说明。 使用喷液 同样地,使用含酚的喉咙喷液,也能缓和不适。然而其效果较不持久。 服用锌口含片 锌口含片能帮助由感冒引起的喉咙痛。"我们给受试者1片葡萄糖酸锌(23毫克),每2小时服用一次。并请他们含在口中慢慢溶解,而不是用吞的。结果,不仅喉咙痛获得缓解,其他的感冒症状亦然。"达维斯博士说。 但他警告,勿连续使用如此高剂量锌达七天以上,以免干扰体内其他矿物质。如果你不喜欢锌的味道,不妨选用含锌的口含片即可。 洗盐水或其他溶液 若你吞咽时,会发生喉咙痛,则疼痛的位置一定不致于太深, 可以漱盐水或其他溶液来治疗。但注意,假使你的声音嘶哑或有咳嗽,则疼痛的部位比较深。这时,漱盐水无济于事。 ①盐水 将1茶匙食用盐加入1品脱(约0.5公升)的温水。这差不多接近生理食盐水的浓度,因此你会觉得很温和。每小时漱一次,勿吞咽这盐水(假使你担心钠的摄取量过高)。 ②洋甘菊茶(chamomile) 将1荼匙干燥的洋甘菊粉泡入1杯热水中。过滤。待微温后使用。 ③柠檬汁 在1大杯温水中挤入数滴柠檬汁。 ④威士忌 在1大杯温水中加入一汤匙威士忌酒。以此液体漱喉咙,有助于麻痹喉咙痛。 增加室内的湿度 有时,睡醒的喉咙痛是由于张着口睡觉。正常情况下,空气先在鼻腔内被湿润,然后才进入喉咙及肺。但用嘴巴呼吸,则略过这个程序,使喉咙焦干、不舒服。专家建议在卧房使用湿气机,以提高周围环境的湿度。 打通鼻塞 假使鼻塞是使你用嘴巴呼吸的部分原因,应设法使鼻子恢复通畅。可使用去充血剂的鼻腔喷液(例如Afrin)。但勿持续用两天以上。并应依照说明使用,以免上瘾。 服用止痛药 大部分人的喉咙痛不至于像身体其他部位的疼痛,因此服用阿司匹林acetaminophen或ibuprofen即足以消减不适。(未满21岁者,不宜服用阿司匹林,以免引起雷氏症侯群(Reye'ssyn。 dlome),这是一种致命性的神经疾病。) 增加水分的摄取 多喝水及其他饮料可滋润干燥的喉咙组织。但有些饮料应避免:浓稠的乳品饮料容易使喉咙的黏液增多,进一步刺激组织;柳橙汁可能刺激已发炎的喉咙;含咖啡因的饮料有利尿作用,使体内流失水分。 敷喉咙 以洋甘菊(chamomile)湿敷喉咙,可缓解不适。将1汤匙的干洋甘菊花加入1--2杯的沸水中。浸泡5分钟后,过滤。将干净的毛巾浸入此溶液,拧掉多余的溶液,直接敷在患部,直到毛巾冷却。 必要时可重复。 服用蒜油胶囊 "大蒜是最佳的天然抗生素及杀菌剂。"一天服用六次蒜油胶囊。若有反效果,应停止使用。 服用维他命C 维他命C有助于强化组织,以对抗引起喉痛的病菌。一天服用60毫克。 更换牙刷 牙刷上所聚集的细菌及刷牙时的牙跟受伤,皆可能使细菌侵 人体内组织。 "当你一感到不舒服,应立即丢弃牙刷。通常,这足以制止牙刷 上的细菌侵入。假使,你还是生病了,应在病况逐渐复原时,再换一 次牙刷,以免再度感染。"葛拉斯医师说。 就预防的观点,专家建议每个月换一次牙刷,并将牙刷存放在干燥处。 垫高床头 睡醒发生喉咙痛的另一个原因(除了张口睡觉外)是,睡觉期间胃酸逆流至喉咙。胃酸对脆弱的喉咙组织是相当刺激的。不妨用砖块将床头的底部垫高10一一15公分,使睡觉时,头的位置高过脚。不要仅用枕头垫高头颈部,这样可能使身体弯曲,反而增加食 道的压力,使问题更严重。另外,睡前1一一2小时内,勿吃东西及喝饮料。 医学小常识 链球菌及其他问题 由链球菌引起的喉咙痛可能突然发作,若未治疗,可能导致更 严重的问题,例如风湿热及风湿性心脏病。由于许多种病毒及细菌 皆会引起喉咙痛,要鉴定是否由链球菌所致,需作喉咙组织培养。 幸亏,链球菌感染可以适当的抗生素治疗。
这是咽炎的症状 建议去医院开点药吧
1、Fever 英 /'fiːvə/ 美 /'fivɚ/
其他表示方法: have [run] a fever; have [run] a temperature; fire; heat
1.[C,U] an illness or a medical condition in which you have a very high temperature
→ hay fever → scarlet fever → yellow fever → glanlar fever → rheumatic fever
•Andy has a fever and won’t be coming into work today. 安迪发烧了,今天不来上班。
•I woke up this morning with a fever and an upset stomach. 今天早上醒来时我发烧了,胃也不舒服。
•She’s running a fever (= has a fever ) . 她在发烧。
a high/low/slight fever
•The usual symptoms are a pink rash with a slight fever. 一般症状为出粉红色疹子并伴有低烧。
2.[singular,单数] a situation in which many people feel very excited or feel very strongly about something
[+ of]
•a fever of excitement on Wall Street 华尔街的疯狂
election/carnival etc fever (=great interest or excitement about a particular activity or event)选举/狂欢节等的狂热
•Soccer fever has been sweeping the nation as they prepare for the World Cup. 世界杯筹备期间,足球狂潮席卷全国。
3.(at) fever pitch
if people’s feelings are at fever pitch, they are extremely excited
•The nation was at fever pitch in the days leading up to the election. 大选前几天,全国处于狂热的兴奋之中。
•After a night of rioting, tensions in the city reached fever pitch . 一夜骚乱之后,该市的紧张气氛达到了顶点。
Register 语体
In everyday English, people usually use fever to talk about a very high temperature. If someone’s temperature is just high, they say that someone has a temperature rather than has a fever .
在日常英语中,人们说高烧时用fever。要是某人体温只是略高,人们会说someone has a temperature,而不说has a fever
•He stayed home from school because he had a temperature . 因为发烧,他待在家里没去上学。
→ cabin fever
Fever, also known as pyrexia and febrile response,is defined as having a temperature above the normal range e to an increase in the body's temperature set point. There is not a single agreed-upon upper limit for normal temperature with sources using values between 37.5 and 38.3 °C (99.5 and 100.9 °F).The increase in set point triggers increased muscle contractions and causes a feeling of cold.This results in greater heat proction and efforts to conserve heat. When the set point temperature returns to normal, a person feels hot, becomes flushed, and may begin to sweat. Rarely a fever may trigger a febrile seizure. This is more common in young children. Fevers do not typically go higher than 41 to 42 °C (105.8 to 107.6 °F).
A fever can be caused by many medical conditions ranging from non serious to life threatening. This includes viral, bacterial and parasitic infections such as the common cold, urinary tract infections, meningitis, malaria and appendicitis among others. Non-infectious causes include vasculitis, deep vein thrombosis, side effects of medication, and cancer among others. It differs from hyperthermia, in that hyperthermia is an increase in body temperature over the temperature set point, e to either too much heat proction or not enough heat loss.
Treatment to rece fever is generally not required.[1][8] Treatment of associated pain and inflammation, however, may be useful and help a person rest. Medications such as ibuprofen or paracetamol (acetaminophen) may help with this as well as lower temperature. Measures such as putting a cool damp cloth on the forehead and having a slightly warm bath are not useful and may simply make a person more uncomfortable. Children younger than three months require medical attention, as might people with serious medical problems such as a compromised immune system or people with other symptoms. Hyperthermia does require treatment.
Fever is one of the most common medical signs. It is part of about 30% of healthcare visits by children and occurs in up to 75% of alts who are seriously sick. While fever is a useful defense mechanism, treating fever does not appear to worsen outcomes. Fever is viewed with greater concern by parents and healthcare professionals than it usually deserves, a phenomenon known as fever phobia.
1.high fever 发高烧
2.have a fever 发烧
3.dengue fever 登革热(一种传染病)
4.hemorrhagic fever [医]出血热
5.yellow fever [医]黄热病
6.hay fever [医]枯草热;[医]花粉病
7.scarlet fever [病]猩红热
8.typhoid fever 伤寒症
9.rheumatic fever [病]风湿热;急性关节风湿病
10.swine fever 猪瘟疫(等于hog cholera)
11.slight fever 微热,低烧
12.epidemic hemorrhagic fever 流行性出血热
13.cabin fever 幽居病
14.fever of unknown origin 无明显病因的发烧
15.fever pitch n. 狂热;极度兴奋
16.haemorrhagic fever 出血热
17.spring fever 春倦症;枯草热
18.lassa fever n. [医]拉沙热
19.q fever Q热病
20.fever heat 狂热;发热
She was knocked over by fever. 她由于发烧而病倒了。来源:《21世纪大英汉词典》
He soon rallied from his fever. 他的发烧很快就好了。来源:《21世纪大英汉词典》
He was down with fever, and the doctor advised him to lie up for several days. 他因发烧而病倒了,医生建议他卧床几天。来源:《21世纪大英汉词典》
Then she beheld a most unprecedented thing, a thing so unprecedented,that nothing equal to it had appeared to her even in the blackest deliriums of fever.
The virus causes fever and joint pain but is not usually fatal. 这一病毒会导致发热和关节痛,但是通常并不致命。
Therefore, once a fever has been established, the real question is: what kind of infection isit?
My stomach seized up like a clenched fist, and nausea rolled into me like a fever.
Fever is one manifestation of cold.
This microbe infects the brain and can cause headache, confusion, motor weakness andfever.
If you begin to have fever, chills, vomiting, are unable to urinate, or experience drainage fromyour incisions you should call your surgeon immediately.