1.食道: esophagus
2.胃: stomach
4. 空腸:jejunum
5.回腸: ileum
6.闌尾: cecum 、appendix
7.升結腸:ascending colon
8.橫結腸:transverse colon
9.降結腸: descending colon
12.肝臟: liver 、hepar
13.膽囊:gall bladder 、chlolecystic
14.胰臟; pancreas
15.胰管: pancreatic ct
16.總膽管: common bile ct ;CBD
17.總肝管: common hepatic ct ;CHD
1.胃切除 gastrectomy(subtotal 、Billoth Ⅱ) 、迷走神經切除(vagotomy)
2. 幽門成形術pyloroplasty
3.肝切除 ( 左右肝葉切除、楔狀切除) : lobectomy, wedge resection, atypical
4.腸切除( 左右腸切除、前切除、低前位切除) hemicolectomy, anterior resection,
low anterior resection, abdominal perineal resection.
5.胰臟切除 WHIPPLE 、PPPD=Pylorus preserving pancreaticoodendectomy
6.膽囊切除 cholecystectomy, 總膽管截石術 choledocholithotomy
7.腸造口各部位( ) jejunostomy, ileostomy, colostomy
三、on CVP的三個位置: internal jagular vein 、subclavian vein 、femoral vein
四、on Artery的位置: radial 、brachial 、pedis、dorsalis
CPR:"Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation" ,也作"Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation "是心肺復甦的英語寫法。
「Artificial Respiration 」是人工呼吸的英語寫法,沒有規范的縮寫,通常就寫全稱。其中口對口人工呼吸寫作「mouth to mouth breathing"。
"chest compressions"是胸外心臟按壓的英語寫法,這個也不用縮寫,寫全稱。
最近出現的新名詞,Hands-only CPR指的是只做胸外按壓,而不做人工呼吸的徒手心肺復甦技術。
A:Airport 飛機場
B:Barely there 幾乎不存在
C:Can do 還行
D:Damn good 真不錯
F:Fake 太假了
G:God 天啊
H:Horrible 太可怕了。
讀音:英 [ˈsɜːvɪkl] 美 [ˈsɜːrvɪkl]
例句:The cervical vertebrae are located at the top end of the vertebral column. 頸椎位於脊柱的頂端。
讀音:英 [θɔːˈræsɪk] 美 [θɔːˈræsɪk]
例句:Caused by a staph infection in your thoracic cavity. 因為你的胸腔感染了葡萄球菌。
讀音:英 [ˈlʌmbə(r)] 美 [ˈlʌmbər]
例句:Cooperation in AF spinal internal fixation for lumbar vertebra fracture腰椎骨折AF脊柱內固定的手術配合。
1、讀音:英 [ˈvɜːtɪbrə] 美 [ˈvɜːrtɪbrə]
3、例句:Experimental study of repairing bone defects of goat vertebrationSPECT骨顯像監測磷酸鈣骨水泥對羊椎體骨缺損修復的實驗研究。
1、讀音:英 [sækrou] 美 [sækrou]
3、例句:Analysis of recurrent factors of sacral chordoma 骶骨脊索瘤術後復發的相關因素分析。
1、讀音:英 [ˈkɒksɪks] 美 [ˈkɑːksɪks]
3、例句:I think I might have fractured me coccyx. 我想我可能摔壞了尾臀骨。
CPR:"Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation" ,也作"Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation "是心肺復甦的英語寫法。
「Artificial Respiration 」是人工呼吸的英語寫法,沒有規范的縮寫,通常就寫全稱。其中口對口人工呼吸寫作「mouth to mouth breathing"。
"chest compressions"是胸外心臟按壓的英語寫法,這個也不用縮寫,寫全稱。
最近出現的新名詞,Hands-only CPR指的是只做胸外按壓,而不做人工呼吸的徒手心肺復甦技術。
皮下注射英文subcutaneous injection,簡寫為S.C。
皮內注射英文Intracutaneous injection,簡寫為IC。
Hypo Hypodermic injection 皮下注射
IC Intracutaneous injection 皮內注射
IM Intramuscular injection 肌肉注射
IV Intravenous injection 靜脈注射
SC Subcutaneous injection 皮下注射
Rp. :取或授予
Sig./S. :用法
劑型Tab. :片劑
Inj. :注射劑
Sol. :溶液
Emp. :貼膏劑
Cap. :膠囊
Ung. :軟膏
Syr. :糖漿
Ap. :水劑
Mist. :合劑
Tr. :酊劑
Lot. :洗劑、擦劑
acromioclavicular joint 肩鎖關節
air bronchogram 支氣管影像
ankle joint 踝關節
ankylosis of joint 關節強直
arches of foot 足弓
biligrafin 膽影葡胺
bone age 骨齡
bone canaliculi 骨小管
bone cortex 骨皮質
bone deformity 骨骼變形
bone destruction 骨質破壞
bone lacuna 骨陷窩
bone lamella 骨板
bony articular surface 骨關節面
bursa 滑膜囊
calcification 鈣化
carpal bones 腕骨
cavity 空洞
chondral calcification 軟骨鈣化
compact bone and spongy bone 密質骨和松質骨
degeneration of joint 關節退行性變
destruction of joint 關節破壞
diaphysis 骨幹
digital subtraction angiography, DSA 數字減影血管造影
dislocation of joint 關節脫位
al photon absorptiometry, DPA 雙光子吸收法
al X-ray energy absorptiometry, DXA 雙能X線吸收法
elbow joint 肘關節
encapsulated effusion 包裹性積液
end plate 終板
epiphyseal line 骨骺線
epiphyseal plate 骨骺板
epiphysis 骨骺
exudation 滲出
fibrotic lesion 纖維性病變
filling defect 充盈缺損
free pleural effusion 游離性胸腔積液
haemosiderosis 含錢血黃素沉著
Hafersian system 哈弗系統
haversian lamella 哈氏骨板
hilar dance 肺門舞蹈
hip joint 髖關節
hydropneumothorax 液氣胸
hydroxyapatite crystal 羥基磷灰石結晶
hyperostosis/osteosclerosis 骨質增生硬化
intercondyloid eminence 髁間隆起
interlobar effusion 葉間積液
intermediate lamella 骨間板
internal and external circumfereutial lamella 內、外環骨板
interstitial pulmonary oedema 間質性肺水腫
intervertebral disc 椎間盤
intervertebral foramen 椎間孔
intervertenral space 椎間隙
intra-alveolar pulmonary oedema 肺泡性肺水腫
joint 關節
joint capsule 關節囊
joint cartilage 關節軟骨
joint cavity 關節腔
joint space 關節間隙
knee joint 膝關節
lamellar bone 層板骨
left atrial enlargement 左心房增大
left ventricular enlargement 左心室增大
ligament 韌帶
localized pleural effusion 局限性胸腔積液
looser zone 假骨折線
mass 腫塊
mellary space 骨髓腔
metacarpal bones 掌骨
metaphysis 干骺端
metatarsal bones 跖骨
niche 龕影
obstructive atelectasis 阻塞性肺不張
obstructive emphysema 阻塞性肺氣腫
oral cholecystography 口服膽囊造影
ossifcation 骨化
ossification centre 骨化中心
osteoblast 成骨細胞
osteoclast 破骨細胞
osteocyte 骨細胞
osteomalacia 骨質軟化
osteonecrosis 骨質壞死
osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆
periosteal proliferation 骨膜增生
periosteal reaction 骨膜反應
periosteum and intermal periosteum 骨膜和骨內膜
phalanges of fingers 指骨
phalanges of toes 趾骨
pleural thickening,adhesion and calaification 胸膜增厚、粘連及鈣化
pleural tumor 胸膜腫瘤
pneumothorax 氣胸
proliferative lesion 增殖性病變
pulmonary hilar enlargement 肺門增大
pulmonary arterial hypertension 肺動脈高壓
pulmonary arterial pleonaemia 肺充血
pulmonary hypertension 肺高壓
pulmonary oligaemia 肺少血
pulmonary venous hypertension 肺靜脈高壓
pulmonary venous pleonaemia 肺淤血
quantitative computed tomography, QCT 定量CT法
right atrial enlargement 右心房增大
right ventricular enlargement 右心室增大
sequestrum 死骨
shoulder joint 肩關節
soft tissue mass 軟組織腫脹
soft tissue swelling 軟組織腫脹
subpulmonary effusion 肺下積液
swelling of joint 關節腫脹
tarsal bones 跗骨
tibia tuberosity 脛骨粗隆
trabecula 骨小梁
Volkmann canal 福爾克曼管
woven bone 非層板骨
wrist 腕關節
abestosis 石棉肺
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS 艾滋病
actinomycosis 放線菌病
acute military tuberculosis 急性粟粒型肺結核
agenesis and hypoplasia of the lung 肺不發育和肺發育不全
allergic pneumonia 過敏性肺炎
aluminum pneumoconiosis 鋁塵肺
amyloidosis of lung 肺澱粉樣變性
angiogram sign 血管造影征
anthracosis 炭黑塵肺
aspergillosis 麴菌病
bronchiectasis 支氣管擴張
bronchogenic cyst 支氣管囊腫
bronchopneumonia 支氣管肺炎
broncho-pulmonary sequestration 支氣管肺隔離症
butterfly sign 蝶翼征
cement pneumoconiosis 水泥塵肺
chronic bronchitis 慢性支氣管炎
chronic pneumonia 慢性肺炎
coalworker pneumoconiosis 煤工塵肺
congenital bronchial cysts 先天性支氣管囊腫
contusion of lung 肺挫傷
cryptococcosis 隱球菌病
cylindrical bronchiectasis 柱狀支擴
dermoid cyst 皮樣囊腫
diaphragmatic eventeration 膈膨升
diaphragmatic hermia 膈疝
electric welder pneumoconiosis 電焊工塵肺
esophageal cyst 食管囊腫
foreign body of chest 胸部異物
foundry worker pneumoconiosis 鑄工塵肺
Goodpasture syndrome 肺-腎綜合征
graphite pneumoconiosis 石墨塵肺
halo sign 暈輪征
hamartoma 錯構瘤
hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis 血行播散型肺結核(Ⅱ型)
Hodgkin lymphoma 霍奇金淋巴瘤
Hodgkin disease, HD 霍奇金病
honeycomb lung 蜂窩狀肺
hydropneumothorax 液氣胸
inflammatory pseudotumor 炎性假瘤
interstitial pneumonia 間質性肺炎
intrathoracic goiter 胸內甲狀腺
kaolin pneumoconiosis 陶工塵肺
Kaposi sarcoma 卡波濟肉瘤
laceration and hematoma of lung 肺撕裂傷與肺血腫
laceration of trachea and bronchus 氣管及支氣管裂傷
lipoma 脂肪瘤
lobar pneumonia 大葉性肺炎
Loffler syndroma 呂弗留綜合征
lung abscess 肺膿腫
lymphangioma 淋巴管瘤
lymphoma 淋巴瘤
mediastinal emphysema 縱隔氣腫
mediastinal hematorma 縱隔血腫
mediastinal tumor 縱隔腫瘤
mediastinitis 縱隔炎
mesothelial cyst 間皮囊腫
mesothelioma of pleura 胸膜間皮瘤
metastatic tumor of pleura 胸膜轉移瘤
mica pneumoconiosis 雲母塵肺
neurogenic neoplasms 神經源性腫瘤
non Hodgkin lymphoma, NHL 非霍奇金淋巴瘤
pleural thickening, adhesion and calcification胸膜肥厚粘連和鈣化
pleuro-peritoneal hiatus hernia 胸腹裂孔疝
pneumocomosis 塵肺
pneumomediastinum 縱隔氣腫
pneumothorax 氣胸
primary complex 原發綜合征
primary tuberculosis 原發性肺結核(Ⅰ型)
pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis 肺泡微石症
pulmonary alveolar proteinosis 肺泡蛋白沉積症
pulmonary arterio-venous fistula 肺動靜脈瘺
pulmonary arterio-venous malformation,PAVM肺動靜脈畸形
pulmonary connective tissue diseases 肺結締組織疾病
pulmonary edema 肺水腫
pulmonary emboli 肺梗塞
pulmonary infarcts 肺梗死
pulmonary sequestration 肺隔離症
pulmonary tuberculosis 肺結核
pyothorax 化膿性胸膜炎
radiation pneumonitis 放射性肺炎
rheumatoid disease of the lung 肺類風濕性病
saccular bronchiectasis 囊狀支擴
sarcoidosis 結節病
secondary pulmonary tuberculosis 繼發性肺結核(Ⅲ型)
seminoma 精原細胞瘤
silicosis 矽肺
staphylococal pneumonia 葡萄球菌肺炎
subacute or chronic hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis亞急性或慢性血行播散型肺結核
systemic lupus erythomatosis, SLE 系統性紅斑狼瘡
talc pneumoconiosis 滑石塵肺
teratoma 畸胎瘤
thymoma 胸腺瘤
tramline sign 軌道征
traumatic diaphragmatic hernia 外傷性隔疝
tuberculosis of intrathoracic lymph nodes胸內淋巴結結核
tuberculosis pleuritis 結核性胸膜炎
varicose bronchiectasis 靜脈曲張型支擴
Wegner granuloma 韋格氏肉芽腫
下肢靜脈造影:Lower Vein Angiography
上肢靜脈造影:Upper Vein Angiography
下肢動脈造影:Lower Artery Angiography
上肢動脈造影:Upper Artery Angiography
腦血管造影:Cerebrovascular Angiograhy
主動脈弓胸腹主動脈造影:Aorta Angiography
腎靜脈取血:Kidney Vein Blood Sampling
右心、左心造影:Right and Left Ventricular Angiography
心肌活檢:Myocardiam Centesis and Sampling
冠狀動脈造影:Coronary Arteriography
腔靜脈取血:Vena cava sampling
心導管檢查(微導管同)(進口儀器):Cardiac catheterization
經皮球囊擴張:Percutaneous balloon dilatating
予激綜合症心內膜檢測:Endocardial investigation of preexcitation syndrome
希氏束電圖:Electrocardiogram of bundle of His
心臟臨時起搏:Cardiac temporary pacing
埋置永久心臟起搏器:Cardioc permanent pacemaker implanting
體肢動脈系統介入治療:Transartery interventional therapy
支氣管動脈介入治療:Bronchus artery interventional therapy
肺動脈介入治療:Pulmonary artery interventional therapy
頭臂動脈介入治療:Brachiocephalic artery interventional therapy
靜脈介入治療:Veinous interventional therapy
冠狀動脈介入治療(球囊成形):Coronary Artery interventional therapy (balloon angioplasty)
冠狀動脈介入治療(腔內旋磨):Coronary Artery interventional therapy (rotablating)
冠狀動脈介入治療(腔內支架):Coronary Artery interventional therapy (stent implantaion)
主動脈介入治療:Aorta interventional therapy
腎動脈介入治療:Renal artery interventional therapy
心臟瓣膜成形術:Heart valvuloplasty
房間隔缺損封堵術:Atrial septal defect closer
室間隔缺損封堵術:Ventricular septal defect closer
動脈導管封堵術:Patent doctus arteriosus closer
冠狀動脈瘺封堵術:Coronary artery fistula closer
冠狀動脈腔內超聲:Intracoronary ultrasound
非冠狀動脈血管內支架置入治療:Stenting therapy of non-coronary artery
經皮清除血管內異物:Transluminal eyewinker clearing
經皮放置靜脈濾器:Transluminal filter implantaion
這樣眾多的脊椎骨,由於周圍有堅強的韌帶 相連系,能維持相當穩定,又因彼此之間有椎骨間關節相連,具有相當程度的活動,每個椎骨的活動范圍雖然很少,但如全部一起活動,范圍就增加很多。
The primary and secondary parts of the garment size table length, chest circumference, waist circumference, hip circumference, shoulder width, sleeve length。
chest film
cr chest radiography
胸 chest; bosom; thorax
片 a flat,thin piece; slice; fl ...
側位胸片 lateral chest film
射線胸片 cxf chest x-ray film x
x線胸片,胸部x線片 c-xf; chest x-ray film
胸部x射線照片,胸片 cbest roentgenogram
自動胸片攝影架 automatic chest-radiography stand
我將給您做白細胞計數和胸片檢查 i`ll take a white blood count and give ...
胸平片 crx chest radiography
胸痞 feeling of stuffiness in chest; feelin ...
胸器 cable crossover machine
胸皮腺{拉} chest gland
胸氣管櫛 thoracic tracheal comb
胸皮動脈 arteria cutanea pectoris
胸氣囊 protective cover/outer cover; torso ba ...
胸碰腿伸展式 chest to leg extension pose