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發布時間:2020-09-16 11:20:13


We went to the seaside restaurant to taste the delicious food.



Good Taste for Health

Good Food for Health


1.紅糖 紅糖
2.堅果 核桃
3.湯類(山葯排骨 烏雞湯 老母雞湯)
4.蝦 魚 肉
5.水果(蘋果 葡萄


"養生"英文:preserve one's health;養生會館的英文:Health Center

health 讀法 英 [helθ] 美 [helθ]  



1、health insurance 健康保險

2、world health organization 世界衛生組織

3、community health 社區衛生(健康);公共衛生;社會健康

4、health procts 保健品

5、health and safety 衛生安全;安全保健部門



strength 讀法 英 [streŋθ; streŋkθ]  美 [strɛŋθ] 

n. 力量;力氣;兵力;長處


1、in strength 大量地

2、bending strength 彎曲強度;抗彎強度

3、on the strength of adv. 基於;憑借…;依賴…

4、yield strength 屈服強度;屈變力;抗屈強度

5、compression strength 抗壓強度;壓縮強度



1、power指身體上、精神上或心理上的力量, 不管是表現出來的還是潛在的。


3、strength指內部固有的力量,表示物質力量時,著重體格或構造健全、完善等方面的力量, 如體力強度等;表示精神力量時, 指持久、堅定、無畏、堅韌等。


你的來信我已經收到,你在信中寫的,現在開始要注意合理飲食,多吃魚,豆類,肉,特別是新鮮水果,還有不要吃太多的甜食! I've received your letter, you write the letter, now begin to notice reasonable diet, eat more fish, beans, meat, especially fresh fruit, and don't eat too many sweets! Also note that physical exercise, running, swimming, mountain climbing. As a student, we must assure enough sleep time, can't stay up every day, sleep eight hours! Only in this way can we keep the body healthy! 還要注意鍛煉身體,多跑步,游泳,爬山。 作為一名學生,我們要保證足夠的睡眠時間,不能熬夜,每天要睡上八個小時! 只有這樣,才能保持身體健康! 問題補充:這本來就是一個互相幫助的平台,大家都是朋友。不要把分數看到這么嚴重好不好?!既然嫌少就不要寫嘛,由此可見,在生活中你很注重自己的利益吧?勸你一句,不要這樣做人!到頭來一個朋友都沒有,這是一件很可悲的事呀! "Art, mo prior to eat." Using the nutrition of the food for the prevention and treatment of disease, can promote health and longevity. As the saying goes: "diet cures more than the doctor." So-called supplements can drug, supplements is not the function. In our country, using adjust dietary as a health fitness means our ancestors as early as 2000 years ago in slavery society period has realized the importance of health food. In the court has equipped with specialized real food "feed", namely the doctor to take food. The diet is the human life support basic conditions, and to make people live healthy and happy, energetic and wisdom, not only eat satisfied belly, must also consider the diet, ensure reasonable allocate the human body needs many kinds of nutriment absorb balance and enough, and can be fully absorbed by human body use. Nutrition balance, we must first formed the good eating habits. Do not starved, unfavorable also meals, or some food, not certain food axiomatization also. Also note that diet and health, according to their physical condition of certain foods, contraindication to prevent the happening of the disease, and achieve the purpose of longevity health food. Health food to eat is through. Application of daily food, according to the different economic conditions and different physiological pathology needs recuperate regimen, can not only cure hunger, can complement nutrition, health, extend, is a kind of diseases to be accepted by people's important means of health. 「養生之道,莫先於食。」利用食物的營養來防治疾病,可促進健康長壽。 俗話說:「葯補不如食補。」所謂食補,就是食補能起到葯物所無法起到的作用。在我國,利用調整飲食作為一種養生健身手段我們的祖先早在2000多年前處於奴隸社會時期就已經認識到了飲食養生的重要性。在宮廷里已配有專門從事皇家飲食的「食醫」,即專門進行飲食調養的醫生。 飲食是人類維持生命的基本條件,而要使人活得健康愉快、充滿活力和智慧,則不僅僅滿足於吃飽肚子,還必須考慮飲食的合理調配,保證人體所需的各種營養素的攝入平衡且充足,並且能被人體充分吸收利用。 營養平衡,首先必須養成良好的飲食習慣。不可忍飢挨餓,也不宜暴飲暴食,不可偏嗜某種食物,也不可偏廢某種食物。還要注意飲食的衛生,並根據自身的身體狀況禁忌某些食物,這樣才有利於防止疾病的發生,達到飲食養生長壽的目的。 飲食養生是通過吃來進行的。應用日常食品,根據不同的經濟條件、不同的生理病理需要進行調理養生,不但能充飢,更能補充營養,有益健康,祛病延年,是一種樂於被人們接受的重要養生手段。



你的來信我已經收到,你在信中寫的,現在開始要注意合理飲食,多吃魚,豆類,肉,特別是新鮮水果,還有不要吃太多的甜食! I've received your letter, you write the letter, now begin to notice reasonable diet, eat more fish, beans, meat, especially fresh fruit, and don't eat too many sweets! Also note that physical exercise, running, swimming, mountain climbing. As a student, we must assure enough sleep time, can't stay up every day, sleep eight hours! Only in this way can we keep the body healthy! 還要注意鍛煉身體,多跑步,游泳,爬山。 作為一名學生,我們要保證足夠的睡眠時間,不能熬夜,每天要睡上八個小時! 只有這樣,才能保持身體健康! 問題補充:這本來就是一個互相幫助的平台,大家都是朋友。不要把分數看到這么嚴重好不好?!既然嫌少就不要寫嘛,由此可見,在生活中你很注重自己的利益吧?勸你一句,不要這樣做人!到頭來一個朋友都沒有,這是一件很可悲的事呀! "Art, mo prior to eat." Using the nutrition of the food for the prevention and treatment of disease, can promote health and longevity. As the saying goes: "diet cures more than the doctor." So-called supplements can drug, supplements is not the function. In our country, using adjust dietary as a health fitness means our ancestors as early as 2000 years ago in slavery society period has realized the importance of health food. In the court has equipped with specialized real food "feed", namely the doctor to take food. The diet is the human life support basic conditions, and to make people live healthy and happy, energetic and wisdom, not only eat satisfied belly, must also consider the diet, ensure reasonable allocate the human body needs many kinds of nutriment absorb balance and enough, and can be fully absorbed by human body use. Nutrition balance, we must first formed the good eating habits. Do not starved, unfavorable also meals, or some food, not certain food axiomatization also. Also note that diet and health, according to their physical condition of certain foods, contraindication to prevent the happening of the disease, and achieve the purpose of longevity health food. Health food to eat is through. Application of daily food, according to the different economic conditions and different physiological pathology needs recuperate regimen, can not only cure hunger, can complement nutrition, health, extend, is a kind of diseases to be accepted by people's important means of health. 「養生之道,莫先於食。」利用食物的營養來防治疾病,可促進健康長壽。 俗話說:「葯補不如食補。」所謂食補,就是食補能起到葯物所無法起到的作用。在我國,利用調整飲食作為一種養生健身手段我們的祖先早在2000多年前處於奴隸社會時期就已經認識到了飲食養生的重要性。在宮廷里已配有專門從事皇家飲食的「食醫」,即專門進行飲食調養的醫生。 飲食是人類維持生命的基本條件,而要使人活得健康愉快、充滿活力和智慧,則不僅僅滿足於吃飽肚子,還必須考慮飲食的合理調配,保證人體所需的各種營養素的攝入平衡且充足,並且能被人體充分吸收利用。 營養平衡,首先必須養成良好的飲食習慣。不可忍飢挨餓,也不宜暴飲暴食,不可偏嗜某種食物,也不可偏廢某種食物。還要注意飲食的衛生,並根據自身的身體狀況禁忌某些食物,這樣才有利於防止疾病的發生,達到飲食養生長壽的目的。 飲食養生是通過吃來進行的。應用日常食品,根據不同的經濟條件、不同的生理病理需要進行調理養生,不但能充飢,更能補充營養,有益健康,祛病延年,是一種樂於被人們接受的重要養生手段。



When most people think of English food, the word they use to describe it is generally not flattering. Most people would be surprised to know, however, the English food is changing for the better. And the cuisine is more than just fish and chips. Many other cultures and cuisines are influencing British cuisine for the better, and even classic English dishes like Shepherd』s Pie and Bubble and Squeak are getting makeovers.
The most popular dish in England today is Chicken Tikka Masala. And while that sounds like an authentic Indian dish, it was actually invented in England using Indian food as inspiration. In fact, this dish is now considered to be more quintessentially Indian than Tandoori Chicken, and its popularity has far surpassed England』s borders. On a trip to London last summer, I noticed that the menu at Garfunkel』s offered not only this dish, but fish and chips as well as pasta and American hamburgers.
Of course, England, like everyone else in the world, has experienced the American fast food invasion. But fast food or 「take-away」 can also be Chinese, Indian, pizza, and Turkish. Additionally, you can also get fast food at a 「chippy」 (fish and chips shop) and pick up such portable English foods as pasties and pies (of the steak and kidney variety). Some take-away places can have a variety of cuisines in one place. In Bath, for example, I noticed a fish and chip shop that also had Chinese take-away.


Possible version:
Health is far more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor health leads to nothing.
How can we keep healthy Here is some advice. Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, and we have to keep a balanced diet. So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat/which is rich in sugar and fat. Secondly, we'd better exercise every day to make our bodies strong. Besides, we have to avoid too much work pressure. Finally, we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and smoking.
In conclusion, if we stick to the advice given above, we will lead a healthy life.翻譯:健康比財富重要。 身體好使我們享有我們的生活和達到什麼我們盼望在我們的事業。 相反,惡劣的健康導致沒什麼。怎麼能我們保持健康這一些建議。 首先,採取更多水果和蔬菜我們是非常重要的,因為他們提供維生素,並且我們必須保留平衡飲食。 因此我們應該避免與或者在糖和油脂上是富有的許多的食物糖和油脂。 其次,我們應該每天行使使我們的身體加強。 其外,我們必須避免許多工作壓力。 終於,我們必須擺脫損壞我們的健康的那些壞習慣,例如喝和抽煙。總而言之,如果我們堅持提的建議以上,我們將帶領健康生活。


Procts: casual snacks, candies & cookies, reconstituted drinks, non-alcoholic beverages, seasonings, canned food, olive oil, and so on.
Guiding ideology we developed and introced procts is natural, healthy, delicious, and health under the food security situation is worsening,
